Fears about one's existence, stress and worries can lead to a significant psychological burden. This can have a negative impact on human well-being and the entire body. Bruxism describes the grinding of teethMany patients are often unaware of their bruxism problem because they grind their teeth unconsciously, mostly at night. How bruxism affects the body, how you can recognize the condition and how Treating Bruxism We will explain to you in today's blog post.
What is bruxism?
Behind the Latin term bruxism hides teeth grinding. At first glance, this does not sound like an illness or dangerous, but it can lead to dental diseases. We humans grind our teeth mostly at night and this is mostly unconscious. However, some patients also complain of pain in the teeth or jaw area during the day, for example due to strong clenching of the teeth in stressful situations. This form of overload the periodontal ligament can be damaged in the long term. Teeth, jaw joint, chewing muscles and other muscle groups that serve to stabilize the head can be damaged by pressure and abrasion. Ear noises such as tinnitus as well as pain syndromes, dizziness, nausea and even visual disturbances can occur as a result of nighttime teeth grinding. Nighttime teeth grinding, i.e. bruxism that is triggered by sleep, is one of the sleep-related movement and sleep disorders
Risk Factors and Causes of Bruxism
The clinical picture of bruxism In contrast to other diseases little studiedThe few studies that have been conducted cannot clearly confirm the findings obtained so far. For example, it is not yet clear to what extent Heredity plays a role in bruxism The need for treatment has not yet been conclusively determined. Risk factors and causes of bruxism include for example: Sleep disorders (including daytime fatigue, snoring, sleep apnea syndrome) Anxiety and chronic stress Alcohol Nicotine Caffeine Medication
What are the health effects of bruxism?
The most common health problems Effects of Bruxism The main cause of dental damage is always the weakest part of the tooth or jaw. nighttime teeth grinding can also lead to tooth loosening If the enamel is too soft in the affected areas, grinding can lead to abrasion. In this case, abrasion-free tooth brushing for example with our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush, important. Does that count joint of the jaw Bruxism can lead to severe jaw joint problems. For example, if your body finds tooth contact disturbing, possibly due to a very slight deviation of the bite position, he will try to "grind it away".
Does stress promote bruxism?
Stress promotes bruxism. Nighttime teeth grinding serves the body to reduce stress. The connection between psychological stress, for example caused by the Corona issue, and teeth grinding was recently by an Israeli research team in a study with around 1,800 participants.
Can bruxism be cured?
The clinical picture of bruxism has been little studied. The findings obtained so far cannot be clearly proven. It is also not clear to what extent heredity plays a role in bruxism or whether treatment is necessary. For the reasons mentioned above, unclear whether bruxism can be completely cured.
How can bruxism symptoms be alleviated?
The individual case decides whether Relieve Bruxism Symptoms or not. In some cases it is enough to correct a misaligned tooth or to fit a crown. Individual Bite splints can also relieve symptoms and protect teeth from abrasion, but they do not alleviate the cause. There is evidence that relaxation exercises to reduce stress Bruxism can be reduced in some cases. This always depends on the individual case.