Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

The interaction between teeth and body

Das Zusammenspiel von Zähnen und Körper

If you feel physically or healthily unwell, it could be due to your teeth. Did you know that your body is closely connected to them? For example, if you suffer from inflamed gums or broken teeth, this can weaken your immune system, which also makes you more susceptible to many other diseases.

Maybe you also have the problem that you grind your teeth at night? You are not alone with this problem. Many people relieve tension at night by grinding their teeth. Unfortunately, this is not good for your jaw. In today's blog post, we will explain what else you should know about the interaction between body and mind in relation to your dental health.

pressure on the jaw due to stress

Your jaw is a real powerhouse. If you activate all your chewing muscles when chewing, you create a bite force of around 80 kilograms. That is significantly more than the bite force of a wolf.
But your jaw is also sensitive. Tension can lead to severe pain, especially when you are stressed or when there is pressure on the jaw. This pain often radiates into the head and neck area. So if you often suffer from pain in this area, it could be coming from your jaw.

Relieve tension for more health and well-being

If you grind your teeth at night and struggle with headaches or neck pain during the day, various relaxation exercises for your jaw can help. You'll do yourself several things good:

  • You relieve stress.
  • You release tension in your jaw.
  • You loosen your tense body.
  • You grind your teeth less.
  • You can fall asleep and sleep through the night better.

Relaxation also means that you don't have to do countless exercises that may take up a lot of time. Just a few minutes a day are enough to massively improve your well-being in this area and significantly relieve the strain on your jaw. If you still have jaw pain and it lasts longer than 3 days, consult your dentist.

Taking care of your teeth is also taking care of your body

Brushing your teeth is part of your daily routine and ensures healthy teeth. With mouthwash and dental floss, you can also ensure that the areas that come into contact with your teeth when brushing are also emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush are not accessible, are cleaned. Bacteria and evidence therefore have little chance.

Even with optimized dental care, inflammation of the gums or tooth decay can occur from time to time. Your dentist is the right person to contact for this. Regular check-ups can quickly repair even small areas of damage before they can cause greater damage. In doing so, you are making a very valuable contribution to your physical and mental health.

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