
Dental Surgery: A Smile is the Most Beautiful Business Card

Die Zahnchirurgie: Ein Lächeln ist die schönste Visitenkarte

A charming smile is not only beautiful to look at, but opens doors and hearts alike. But not everyone is lucky enough to be naturally blessed with a perfect set of teeth. This is where dental surgery comes in, an art that requires both precise craftsmanship and in-depth knowledge. In today's blog post, we reveal the secret of modern dental surgery.

How do you actually become an expert in dental surgery?

A dentist takes a very long and impressive path to oral surgeon It is not easy to acquire the knowledge and skills to perform oral surgery. Four years of intensive training after the general dental studies are at least required in order to deepen both the theoretical foundations and to gain the necessary practical experience.

Oral surgical treatments involve much more than just “pulling teeth”! Unlike in the past, an oral surgeon today is a true all-rounder. Someone who is familiar with a wide range of diseases relating to the oral cavity, from implantology to complex procedures that can affect the entire jawbone.

The modern oral surgeon brings extensive expertise with him. He is always called in when it comes to advanced and complex cases in which conventional dentists may reach their limits.

The need for cutting-edge technology and collaborative teamwork

As in all specific areas of our daily life, nothing is left to chance in dental surgery. Precision is the key here, and this is achieved through the use of the most modern technologies, such as low-radiation digital volume tomography and laser technology. And since humans are not called "social beings" without reason, cooperation with other specialist areas, such as anesthesiologists, is also essential in the field of oral surgery.

The oral surgeon acts as your expert navigator, who, even in difficult conditions such as insufficient jawbone, uses bone replacement materials and precise 3D planning ensures, for example, that implants are firmly and securely in place.

Oral surgery is considered indispensable in modern dentistry

The oral surgeon is an indispensable specialist in dentistry. This very specific area of dentistry is now indispensable. He is able to carry out both simple and complex procedures. Together with his interdisciplinary team, the oral surgeon ensures a pain-free procedure and a brilliant result.

But don’t forget that with our emmi-dent ultrasonic toothbrush You can actively contribute to your oral health. The right dental care routine can also ensure that your oral cavity remains vital. Daily oral hygiene with our professional emmi-dent products is the ideal complement to regular visits to your dentist and professional treatments.

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