Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Is your tooth color genetically determined?

Ist deine Zahnfarbe genetisch vorbestimmt?

dental health and sport are closely related. A healthy and strong teeth is more important than you can imagine, not only for professional athletes, but for athletes in general. In addition, the athlete's teeth are exposed to a significantly higher risk of injury due to sporting activity. Teeth are not only important in professional sport has a special meaning Dental health and functionality have been proven to promote performance. Why the Dental care especially for athletes We will explain to you in today's blog post why this is so important.

Dental care and dental health in athletes

Athletes place great importance on dental health and for good reason. Misaligned teeth and diseased teeth as well as jaw problems can have a detrimental effect on athletic performance and thus decide on success and failure. Chronic dental diseases such as tooth and gum inflammation have been proven to have a negative effect on the immune system. Misalignments of teeth and jaws cause pain and can lead to a massive imbalance Imbalances in sports not only change movement patterns, but also prevent pain and injury.

Apart from the circumstances that each athlete can influence themselves, other aspects of fitness training play a fundamental role in maintaining dental health. Last but not least, the increased risk through regular training plays a key role here.

Increased risk of dental diseases during sports

The risk of dental disease is increased in almost all sports. Depending on the sport itself, factors such as training intensity and protective mechanisms play an important role and contribute to maintaining dental health. The best known and most common Risks to your teeth in sports contact sports are one of them. Collisions, falls and other traumas to the face and jaw area can lead to cracks in the teeth, broken teeth or, in the worst case, even tooth loss. Accidents of this kind are particularly common in martial arts and ball sports such as soccer, boxing, rugby, American football, handball and volleyball.

Do you bend with a professional face mask If you do this, the risk to your teeth is reduced. Another factor we can recommend is mindfulness and rest. If you start your training well rested, you can avoid unnecessary accidents.

Another factor that can have a massive negative impact on the dental health of athletes is clenching one's teeth under stress. Great effort promotes clenching of teeth And this does not only apply to strength training. You will not believe the massive forces at work when you teeth clenched unconsciouslyA relaxed jaw is a sign of dental health. If you suspect a misalignment, contact a doctor as soon as possible.

Many athletes use during intensive mouth breathing training sessionsThis leads to the dry oral mucous membranes Dry mucous membranes promote tooth decay and sometimes lead to severe gum inflammation. Saliva is essential for a healthy environment in the mouth. So make sure that you breathe through your nose as often as possible when training. Regularly drinking water or drinking unsweetened tea also promote saliva production.

renunciations in any case sugary sports drinks. Nutritional supplements and fitness bars provide energy and give you a real energy boost for a short moment. In the long term, however, the sugar contained in it can attack your tooth enamel. The risk of tooth decay and inflammation in the mouth increases. Special mineral water is a better alternative in this case.

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