Caries means something like rottenness and is also equated with decay. Caused by bacteria, Caries dentum is manifested by deposits and sticky plaque, which are deposited on the tooth surfaces and on dentures. Bacteria as microorganisms convert sugar and starch, which are made available to them with food, into acids. These acids gradually dissolve the tooth enamel. A hole is formed in the tooth (caries). Why Caries is one of the most common infectious diseases in industrialized countries and how tooth decay can be prevented, we explain to you in today's blog post.
Caries as an infectious disease in industrialized countries
Did you know that only one percent of the German population is caries-free? There are mainly only two factors that lead to caries. In addition to poor oral hygiene also leads a sugary and carbohydrate-rich diet to caries. The insidious thing about caries? Caries does not cause pain in the early stages. Only small white or dark spots can indicate caries. If the harmful bacteria have already spread and damaged the tooth enamel, the tooth can become sensitive to cold, hot or sweet things. Real toothache usually only occurs when the tooth root has already been damaged and the surrounding tissue is inflamed.
Healthy teeth through regular and professional oral hygiene
Although caries is one of the most common infectious diseases in the German population, the prognosis is generally positive. The majority of Germans attach great importance to a well-groomed appearance. This also includes the daily dental care and oral hygiene. Most people also go to the dentist regularly for check-ups. This behavior and the increased awareness of caries as an infectious disease can be attributed not least to the prevention campaign that has been carried out regularly in daycare centers and schools since the 1980s. Toothlessness affects fewer and fewer people; more people have naturally healthy teeth.
Of course, the positive prognosis regarding caries also applies to modern treatment methods and therapy procedures Teeth only need to be pulled in very rare cases and then only if the tooth can no longer be saved. In most cases, however, it is sufficient to treat the hole in the tooth and close it with a filling. Root canal treatment can also stop the progression of caries.
Prevent and stop caries with proper dental care
The most common cause of tooth decay is often poor oral hygiene. It is often the way teeth are cared for, or not cared for properly, that promotes tooth decay. The majority of Germans brush their teeth regularly, but not thoroughly enough. Thorough cleaning does not always depend on the duration of the cleaning process, but depends fundamentally on the cleaning utensils.
With Conventional toothbrushes do not always clean the spaces between teeth sufficiently and remove food residues. Pockets in the gums that require special care often cannot be cleaned thoroughly with a conventional manual toothbrush. It is often difficult in the molar area, because conventional brush heads are sometimes much too large and not flexible enough to remove food residues from teeth without leaving residues.
A completely new and thorough cleaning experience is guaranteed by our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush. Apart from being incredibly light in your hand, it uses ultrasound to clean your teeth gently and thoroughly. During the ultrasonic tooth cleaning, you can concentrate completely on yourself and your teethAbrasive cleaning and strong scrubbing with mechanical pressure is not necessary.
On the contrary, you push our special emmi®-dent brush head completely relaxed from tooth to tooth. The ultrasound cleans your teeth in an inaudible and imperceptible way. Our specially designed emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothpaste We have enriched it with fine microbubbles, which burst due to the ultrasonic vibrations and thereby remove existing deposits and plaque from your teeth. And this even happens in narrow gaps and fine tooth niches.
FAQ: 3 questions and answers about caries dentum
How do you recognize tooth decay?
You can recognize caries by the fact that small white or dark spots form on your teeth. These spots indicate that minerals have already dissolved from the tooth. Teeth that are sensitive to pain, cold or heat can be an initial indication of tooth decay. If you have a toothache, you should see a dentist immediately.
How can you prevent tooth decay?
You can prevent tooth decay with professional and thorough dental care. Diet also plays an important role here. If you eat a sugar-free diet, you prevent harmful bacteria from settling on your teeth and destroying tooth enamel.
How can you treat tooth decay?
Caries can be treated well these days. Nevertheless, The earlier caries is discovered the better. The carious area is removed from the tooth, cleaned and sealed with a filling.