The menopause bring all kinds of things News for Women because between the ages of 40 and 65, the hormone balance. Hot flashes, depressive moods and sleep disorders are among the most frequently complained symptoms.
What many people do not know, however, is that menopause in women is also a Risk to dental health and especially gums What symptoms can occur and what you dental technology during menopause We will explain to you in today's blog post what you should pay attention to.
These symptoms can occur dentally during menopause
Especially when the Estrogen levels in women decrease, physical complaints increase. Hormonal fluctuations during menopause are not only due to physical or mental discomfort, but can also have a massive impact on your teeth and gums.
Your Gums can become for example, significantly softer The susceptibility to bleeding gums can be caused by a falling estrogen levels increase significantly. swollen gums and a changed oral flora are also repeatedly associated with menopausal symptoms named.
If you notice symptoms of this kind, talk to your dentist. In some cases, this can also lead to hormonal gingivitis which also increases the risk of periodontitis.
Dental health through menopause
During the menopause Women often notice that their saliva volume decreases. Since saliva is an elementary Cleaning, mineralizing and protective agents for the oral flora This symptom is a major disadvantage. If you already wear dentures, hormonal changes increased pressure points which in turn lead to pain. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruit to stimulate and maintain your saliva production.
Another symptom often mentioned in connection with menopause is burning tongue The “burning mouth syndrome” can affect the tongue, the palate or the lips. Here too, a dry oral mucosa as a cause. Much
- fluid intake,
- a balanced diet and
- saltwater mouthwashes and sage tea
can reduce the burning sensation. vitamin D deficiency and osteoporosis can also cause your teeth to lose their grip.
In order to be as symptom-free and healthy as possible through the menopause To come, pay attention to your dental and oral hygiene. Clean your teeth also in the gaps where you brush your emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush can't get there. Use our dental floss or interdental brushes for additional tooth cleaning or just for in-between times.
Keep appointments for prophylaxis and preventive care and, if necessary, use the offer from your dentist for professional teeth cleaning. Recognize complaints early and have them checked out professionally.