Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Pre- and post-operative hygiene!

Prä- und Post-Operative Hygiene!
Pre- and post-operative hygiene!
  • Ultrasonic toothbrushes to protect teeth and gums before and after surgical treatment to reduce dangerous bacteria.
  • emmi®-dent Toothbrushes clean with ultrasound (up to 96 million ultrasonic air vibrations per minute).
  • Ultrasound reduces germs and bacteria outside and inside the tissue.
  • Chlorhexidine mouthwash is often the only antibacterial agent used to clean teeth after oral surgery, as the gums are swollen and sensitive. The effect of chlorhexidine on bacteria and the oral flora is undisputed, but side effects such as tooth discoloration often occur. This is of course not desirable.

emmi®-dent is in this case an almost ideal solution for better oral hygiene: The motionless and therefore gentle cleaning process with the ultrasonic toothbrush reduces bacteria on the gums. Wounds cannot be irritated.

  • emmi®-dent can also be used for implants or after major oral and maxillofacial surgery.

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