
Reduce stroke risk through healthy teeth

Schlaganfallrisiko durch gesunde Zähne reduzieren

Did you know that healthy teeth significantly reduce the risk of stroke? You've probably heard the saying: "Healthy teeth, healthy people!" This is no longer just an empty phrase. Quite the opposite, because the effective influence of oral health on your body is even scientifically proven. In today's blog post, we'll explain why periodontitis is associated with an increased risk of stroke.

Healthy teeth reduce the risk of stroke

Periodontitis is increasingly associated with an increased risk of stroke. It is a chronic inflammation of the periodontal ligament. If periodontitis is not treated, it is not just tooth loss that is at risk. The risks for your entire organism increase because harmful bacteria from the mouth can spread throughout the bloodstream.

The vascular highway transports blood throughout the body. If harmful bacteria spread in the blood, they are also transported throughout the body. In this case, our immune system sounds the alarm. Inflammatory messengers are released to eliminate harmful germs and bacteria from the bloodstream. They attach themselves to the tissue of the blood vessels, but unfortunately also change them, because the vessels become harder and lose a lot of elasticity. This can lead to heart disease and strokes.

Periodontitis: Major risk factor for stroke

When you protect yourself from periodontitis through regular dental hygiene, you also protect your heart and brain. You minimize risk factors that may not be beneficial to your health.

If periodontitis is suspected, the full extent can be measured using a special probe. The degree of periodontitis can be determined based on the tendency to bleed and the depth of the gum pocket. The severity of periodontitis can also be determined based on the different degrees of loosening. If inflammation of the jawbone is suspected, your dentist will take an x-ray. This will allow him to see very clearly how far the periodontitis has progressed.

To treat periodontitis, soft deposits are removed from your teeth. Gum pockets or root surfaces are cleaned. With this special form of tooth and gum cleaning, the number of harmful bacteria can be significantly reduced. Carious teeth are treated in order to keep the source of bacteria in this area as low as possible. Mouthwashes can also be used to significantly reduce the number of harmful bacteria in your mouth, which can spread throughout your body.

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