It's no secret that teeth have a major impact on your physical health. If a sick or dead tooth is left untreated, various diseases can arise. In today's blog post, we'll explain to you which are the worst diseases in the mouth.
Periodontitis and jaw misalignment can cause depression and diabetes
Dental diseases such as periodontitis and caries are not only difficult to heal under stress. If left untreated, there is even a risk of depression and diabetes can develop. In both cases, it is important to find out where the symptoms are coming from. If you suspect you have one of the two diseases mentioned, we strongly advise you to see a dentist or general practitioner. They can make an accurate diagnosis.
Persistent tension can also be reflected in increased muscle tone. This can also affect your jaw. Involuntary clenching of the jaw and grinding of teeth can also indicate that you are under too much stress. On the other hand, these symptoms can also be an early sign of periodontitis or a misaligned jaw.
Lung and heart infections caused by harmful bacteria in your mouth
If you suffer from chronic periodontitis or acute gingivitis, harmful bacteria can spread in your body. They travel through the blood vessels to the heart, lungs or other organs. Serious heart and circulatory diseases and even heart attacks and strokes are then possible. A reduced cardiac output leads to increased blood pressure, which leads to further problems.
This is especially dangerous for you if you already have a pre-existing condition. In the worst case scenario, this harmful bacterial load, which can spread unhindered in your oral cavity if left untreated, is the cause of many other heart and circulatory diseases.
How does dental disease affect your body?
Billions of bacteria live in your mouth. Some bacteria are useful and have anti-inflammatory properties. They regulate the acidity of your oral flora. Other bacteria, however, are harmful. Growing rapidly due to food residue, harmful bacteria attack your gums and sensitive tooth enamel. A kind of film forms here. In the early stages, the bacterial infection usually only causes a subtle inflammation of the tooth root or spreads through the gums. As the disease progresses, you develop caries and periodontitis. The harmful bacteria spread through your organism via the bloodstream and attack various parts of your body.
Bad teeth can also cause joint pain and rheumatism
Caries and the destruction of your teeth's substance can cause inflammatory pathogens to spread throughout your body and weaken your immune system. Gum disease can contribute to the development of rheumatoid arthritis. Harmful bacteria not only destroy your periodontal ligament, but can also collect in the synovial fluid via the bloodstream and cause further inflammation. This can result in joint pain, which can also be caused by tooth inflammation.