Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Why do healthy teeth reduce the risk of chronic diseases?

Warum mindern gesunde Zähne das Risiko chronischer Krankheiten?

Have you ever asked yourself why healthy teeth reduce the risk of chronic diseases? Well, in general, dental health plays a very important role in your overall health. Few people associate poor dental health with poor physical health. There are even dentists who view the dentition as just a row of individual teeth and not as a whole. In today's blog post, we explain why teeth should be treated as quickly as possible if they are affected by periodontitis, caries or other dental diseases.

An Overview of Dental Health

Did you know that complaints such as rheumatism, bladder and prostate problems, allergies, lung and heart inflammation can also be caused by poor dental health? One explanation for this is that, in energetic terms, each tooth represents an organ. This requires a completely different perspective on the importance of your teeth in relation to your health.

Bacteria love the acidic environment of your teeth

In addition to many other factors, the environment in your mouth plays an important role in your dental health. It is desirable that the oral cavity has a neutral to basic environment, which is ideally slightly acidic. In such an environment, bacteria have no chance.

The reality, however, is somewhat different. An incorrect diet, mainly the consumption of acid-forming foods, can lead to chronic over-acidification of your body. This in turn can lead to increased salivation in the mouth. An acidic pH value provides an ideal habitat for harmful bacteria that can cause tooth decay, heart and circulatory diseases, bladder and prostate problems and other inflammations.

Coronary heart disease can be a cause of tooth decay, as tooth decay is suspected to cause this disease. In addition, demineralization of teeth begins at a pH below 6, which means that your teeth now release minerals as saliva in these environments and lose more and more of their own substances.

tooth filling with amalgam

Some dental treatments are now, according to the current state of scientific knowledge, even questionable and are classified as harmful to health. Teeth filled with amalgam can continuously release highly toxic silver particles, which can enter the bloodstream via your oral mucosa. Your body's reaction to these toxins can manifest itself in a variety of symptoms, such as depression, headaches or migraines. The symptoms often develop gradually, so that a connection to the actual cause can only be established in rare cases.

Treated tooth roots

Treated tooth roots can also pose a serious health risk. During root canal treatment, the nerve tissue is removed from the tooth root. The root canal is filled with a filling. Even with careful root canal treatment, there is always a risk that remnants of nerve tissue will remain in the root canal.

These tissue remnants are broken down in natural processes. It cannot be ruled out that inflammation can develop as a result. The so-called inflammatory toxins can enter your bloodstream and lead to knee pain and diabetes.

Dental treatments with far-reaching health consequences

Your immune system is regularly exposed to toxic stress and can therefore weaken. The important task of the human immune system to protect your body from pathogens can no longer be adequately fulfilled.

In this situation, the smallest infection is enough to initially activate the non-reactive inflammation. A weakened immune system can also contribute to many other symptoms of disease.

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