
Teeth hurt when hot and cold

Zähne schmerzen bei heiß und kalt

Your teeth hurt with hot or cold, sweet or sour drinks and foods? You are not alone. More than 40 percent of adults between the ages of 20 and 40 complain about sensitive tooth necks. Exposed tooth necks can be caused by signs of wear or receding gums. In the area of the tooth neck, the tooth has numerous fine dentin canals, which can cause a short, intense pain due to thermal or osmotic stimuli. In today's blog post, we explain how you can recognize exposed tooth necks, to what extent your brushing behavior can be the cause, and how you can prevent them.

Detecting defects at the tooth neck

Defects in the neck of the tooth are the most common reason for sensitive teeth. In addition to notches based on abrasive cleaning behavior,

  • teeth grinding,
  • wear of the chewing surface,
  • Acid-induced erosions
  • and deformities

to exposed tooth necks, which cause pain when exposed to heat or cold, sweet or sour foods.

Sensitive teeth due to notches

depth Notches are more commonly found in the outer area of affected teeth than in the interior. They can be located primarily in the enamel directly at the neck of the tooth. These Notches can reach deep into the dentin They often also have grooves or grinding marks.

In most cases, the cause of indentations in the tooth enamel is mechanical-abrasive wear. Unsuitable brush material and abrasive toothpaste in combination with incorrect brushing techniques are often the cause of notches and exposed tooth necks. In some cases, incorrect brushing techniques also lead to functional overload, as is the case with teeth grinding, for example.

You can repair wedge-shaped defects with our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush Ideal for prevention. Non-abrasive cleaning and a toothpaste perfectly matched to ultrasound technology ensure clean teeth and healthy gums. With our functional ultrasonic toothbrush, you can effectively avoid "scrubbing movements". Rigid pressure is also not necessary.

Defects of this kind can be left as they are for a very long time. A crown or tooth filling is only necessary if the defect is so advanced that the tooth is in danger of breaking, nerves are already exposed or the Sensitivity severely limits you in your everyday life.

Sensitive teeth due to teeth grinding

Teeth grinding is an element that is deeply anchored in the nervous system. Teeth grinding is associated with stress and tension and can lead to wear over a longer period of time. Grinding marks can be found particularly in the area of the chewing surfaces and incisor edges.

Hard dental replacement materials such as oxide ceramics often accelerate wear. teeth grinding particularly strong In severe cases, so-called wear protection splints can be very useful. These are only worn at night. In many cases, mental relaxation is recommended in addition to conventional treatment using protective splints in order to eliminate the cause.

Sensitive teeth due to wear of the chewing surface

The strong wear of the chewing surfaces can also lead to sensitive teeth. In conjunction with the acid erosion described below, signs of wear on the chewing surfaces can progress very quickly. Bite depressions or jaw joint problems, which often require extensive repair work, are referred to as late effects in this case. Early clarification by your dentist is recommended in any case.

Sensitive teeth due to acid-induced erosions

direct acid exposure to tooth surfaces can cause incredible damage. In particularly serious cases, the tooth enamel can even be completely dissolved. Reflux and diseases such as bulimia often lead to erosive defects of the tooth enamel in the area of the tongue side and on the molars. Acidic foods such as vinegar, fruit acid, cola and wine can also attack tooth enamel. Erosion on the teeth is shown by a smooth and round shape. In most cases, this ends at the gum line.

Acid erosion causes your teeth to feel dull after eating. Even though this condition is very unpleasant, you should definitely avoid brushing your teeth immediately after eating. The recommended waiting period is about one hour. For example, if you drink freshly squeezed juice in the morning or a glass of wine in the evening, avoid brushing your teeth immediately.

Sensitive teeth due to malformed teeth

developmental deformities of teeth or in the jaw area, the sensitivity of the tooth necks In addition to genetic malformations, abnormalities, environmental influences, side effects of medication and infections and various traumas can also lead to tooth malformations. Front teeth and first molars in the posterior teeth area are frequently affected.

First aid for sensitive teeth: What you can do immediately!

If you are under sensitive teeth when consuming cold, hot, sweet or sour foods and drinks, the first step you should take is to find out the cause. Avoid acidic drinks and foods, Pay attention to your brushing technique and avoid abrasive toothpaste. You should also avoid bleaching as much as possible. Sealing open dentin canals by the dentist or with an appropriate toothpaste is particularly effective. You can also take immediate action in the area of your daily dental care. In the long term, our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush will support you in the fight against sensitive teeth and ensure better dental health.

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