
Gingivitis and Symptoms

Zahnfleischentzündung und Symptome

You are probably familiar with the term "gingivitis" Most people have to deal with inflammation of the gums from time to time. Although minimal gingivitis does not cause major problems in most cases, it can time lead to severe and extensive inflammationIn the worst case, however, it can spread to large parts of the periodontal ligament and cause massive damage. In this case, we no longer speak of gingivitis, but of periodontitis - also known as periodontal disease. In order to prevent serious progression, we explain to you in today's blog post how you can How to recognize gum inflammation early and how to prevent it.

Typical symptoms of gingivitis

One gingivitis is initially noticeable through slightly reddened and swollen gums. Sporadic bleeding gums can also be a Signs of inflammation of the gums The Bleeding after brushing teeth or even occur without external influence.

Pain causes a gingivitis in the early stages rarely. For this reason, it is very important that you check your gums and teeth regularly.

A healthy tooth is characterized by pink gums, which lie close to the tooth neck and enclose it tightly. Discoloration in the area where the gums meet the tooth is not visible. In the case of gingivitis, the Gums red and slightly inflamedThe lower part of the tooth sometimes shows slight yellowish discoloration and deposits.

At a advanced gingivitis This is called periodontitis. Gums are noticeably red and inflamedIt has already separated slightly from the sides of the tooth neck. Sometimes gum pockets have also formed.

At a advanced periodontitis is that surrounding gums are not only red and inflamed, but can also appear swollenThe gum pockets have become significantly deeper and bone loss is progressing.

How does gingivitis progress?

The good news first: A mild gingivitis can heal on its own. However, it can also persist and spread. In In severe cases, however, periodontitis can also develop. It is therefore very important that you keep an eye on even mild gum inflammation, because periodontitis does not heal on its own.

If gum inflammation lasts for a long time, small pockets can form between the affected teeth and the surrounding gums. They can reach several millimeters deep into the tissue. In the long term, this not only damages the sensitive neck of the tooth, but also the surrounding bone.

The deeper the gingivitis spreads into the tissue, the more difficult it is to remove germs and bacteria. The only thing that helps here is a visit to the dentist and the professional treatment.

Prevent gingivitis efficiently

If plaque is not removed regularly, it can inflamed gumsEven if a small inflammation heals completely on its own in most cases, there is always a risk of it developing into periodontitis.

To one prevent gingivitis, we recommend careful dental care and oral hygiene with our emmi®-dent Platinum ultrasonic toothbrushIt creates the best conditions to prevent gum inflammation, support dental treatment and stop or slow down the progression of periodontitis.

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