Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Dental Health Promotion in Nursing Homes

Zahnmedizinische Gesundheitsförderung im Pflegeheim

You've probably heard that it can be difficult to maintain proper dental care as you get older. In general, this topic is very difficult for many older people, because daily dental care can be a real challenge, and not just in your own home. In a nursing home, this can be even more complicated, as almost all residents are dependent on help. In today's blog post, we'll explain why dental health promotion is so important, especially in nursing homes.

Why is dental care so important in old age?

As you already know, poor dental care can lead to a variety of health problems, including tooth decay, periodontal disease and bad breath. This can cause pain and discomfort and affect the patient's general well-being. In the worst case, it can even affect general health and reduce life expectancy.

Another challenge is that many nursing home residents already have limited physical and mental abilities, which makes dental care more difficult in addition to their age. They may also have difficulty brushing and caring for their teeth properly, and it can be difficult to motivate them to take care of their dental health on a regular basis.

How to improve dental health promotion in nursing homes

Fortunately, there are some steps you can take as a nursing home worker or loved one to improve dental health promotion for those in need of care. Here are some tips:

  • Create a dental care plan: Create an individualized dental care plan that specifies how often teeth should be brushed and cared for and who is responsible for supporting this.

  • Create an appealing environment: Make sure the dental care area is clean and inviting. Set our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush, toothpaste and some dental floss ready. Also make sure that the brush heads are replaced regularly.

  • Help where you can: Help people in need of care to brush their teeth properly if you can. Often you can help them just by showing them how to do it and demonstrating it over and over again. Some elderly people or nursing home residents may also need special aids such as dental floss holders or toothbrush head cleaning devices.

  • Motivation: In general, try to motivate older people to take care of their teeth regularly. For example, you can offer rewards for regular dental care or organize a dental care competition among several older people.

Why dental health promotion is important for the elderly and in nursing homes

It is important to stress that dental health promotion in nursing homes and for older people is of great importance not only for them but also for those caring for them. Good and regular dental care can help residents to be healthy and happy for longer.

In summary, it can be said that dental health promotion in nursing homes and generally for older people is of great importance in order to improve the health and well-being of residents. As a nursing home employee or carer, you have the opportunity to massively improve the dental care of older people through targeted measures and thereby make an important contribution to their health and happiness.

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