Dentures, dentures and braces require just as much care and attention as real teeth. In some cases, the care of dental prosthetics However, this can be much more complex. In contrast to our natural teeth, which are firmly anchored in the jaw, a denture, a set of teeth or braces can significantly more food residues accumulate. These promote harmful bacteria and, as a result, severe inflammation of the gums and the entire mouth and throat area. Dental prosthetics should therefore be cleaned every day, just like natural teeth. Why the cleaning with ultrasonic waves In today's blog post we will explain to you how this is done so efficiently and hygienically.
Clean dentures daily with ultrasound
Ultrasonic waves are known for their high and very efficient cleaning performance They not only remove the finest dirt particles, but also ensure that unpleasant odors cannot even arise. Even very stubborn deposits such as tartar, plaque and residues of nicotine, tea and tannic acid can be removed from the teeth using ultrasonic waves . Since the microfine ultrasonic waves can penetrate into the smallest gaps, ultrasonic waves are also ideal for Cleaning dentures, braces and even cleaning a complete set of teeth . Nothing beats clean, well-groomed teeth and hygienically clean dentures.
Advantages of cleaning dentures with an ultrasonic device
The subtle movements and invisible Ultrasound waves remove dirt particles , food residue and even minimal contamination from dentures, prostheses, braces and bits in a way that a conventional brush cannot. Small air bubbles that are created by the vibrations of ultrasound generated, hit the deposits and detach them from the dentures.
Your dentures will immediately look more well-groomed. Its smooth and hygienically clean surface not only feels good, but also promotes a radiantly white smile. The removal of tartar and minimal deposits also has a positive effect on your gums and your entire oral flora. Harmful bacteria usually attack the gums and promote inflammatory processes that can even spread throughout the entire body. With daily and professional ultrasonic cleaning you remove annoying bacteria from your dentures.
Cleaning dentures in an ultrasonic bath: what you need to keep in mind!
At the Cleaning dentures with an ultrasonic device it is important that you use the right cleaning concentrate. An average cleaning concentrate can lead to your dentures, braces or dentures not being cleaned completely. Our special dental cleaning agent emmi®-dent 70 Dental Cleaner has been formulated to perfectly meet the needs of dentures and braces. However, you should always clean your dentures ultrasonic cleaning Rinse under clean water to permanently remove any loose dirt residue.