Did you know that artificial teeth and dentures such as Dentures cleaned regularly In particular Full dentures must be cared for and cleaned very carefully . If dentures and dental prostheses are not cleaned regularly and food residues are not removed, this can lead to serious health problems. The so-called dentures require just as much care as your real teeth. How you can In today's blog post we will explain how you can clean dentures and dental prostheses efficiently .
Perfectly clean third teeth and dentures
Straight full dentures and artificial teeth You have to clean and care for them as carefully as you would your real teeth. Although dentures are not directly susceptible to caries, surrounding gums and tissues become inflamed by deposits and germs . Harmful bacteria also cause Bad breath . You should be especially careful with partial dentures, because the part of the tooth that has not been replaced is particularly susceptible to tooth decay .
Um To protect dentures and dental prostheses from harmful germs , you should subject them to an intensive cleaning procedure at least once a day. Use our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush . Since commercially available toothpaste is less suitable for cleaning dentures, be sure to use our special ultrasonic toothpaste . The additives contained in it can roughen dentures or dental prostheses.
In addition to the right equipment, you should pay attention to the correct cleaning technique Work on the inside and outside with gentle circular movements. The spaces between the teeth and the inner surfaces of the teeth are particularly important here. To support the daily cleaning ritual, you can Rinse the denture under running water after every meal . A cleaning bath overnight is also ideal.
Do not neglect your own teeth despite denture care
Despite careful denture care you should not neglect the care of your own teeth. Do you care for your dentures with our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush it is twice as easy to care for your real teeth. Once you have taken the denture out of your mouth, you can gently massage the gums with a soft brush attachment and a little water.
You promotes blood circulation and remove germs and food particles at the same time. Since dentures usually exert pressure on the gums, a A gentle massage will do your gums good . You can also gently clean your own teeth with a suitable toothpaste. our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush with gentle circular movements over your teeth.
Another important point in the area professional denture cleaning Regular dental check-ups are a good idea. A professional teeth cleaning can also be appropriate and promote your dental health. If you take all of the points mentioned into account, you will be able to enjoy your dentures for a very long time and keep your own teeth for a long time.