
Viren auf Zahnbürsten – Wie du deine Zahnpflege hygienisch hältst

Viruses on toothbrushes – How to keep your dental care hygienic

Have you ever thought about how clean your toothbrush really is? At first glance, it may look fresh and harmless - shiny and neatly arranged in its holder. But in reality, it can be a real paradise...

Amalgam adé – Die Zukunft der Zahnfüllungen

Goodbye Amalgam – The Future of Dental Fillings

Have you heard that amalgam will be phased out of dentistry for good by 2025? This material, which has been used for dental fillings for decades, has been the subject of ongoing debate for some ti...

emmi-dent Sonic ToGo: Die handliche Zahnbürste für unterwegs

emmi-dent Sonic ToGo: The handy toothbrush for on the go

Imagine you are on your long-awaited winter holiday, breathing in the clear mountain air and enjoying the sunny snow-covered peaks. Or maybe you are rushing from one business appointment to ...

Digitale Zahnabdrücke – Eine Revolution in der Zahnmedizin

Digital Dental Impressions – A Revolution in Dentistry

Imagine being able to experience a visit to the dentist without the uncomfortable feeling of a traditional dental impression. No gagging, no discomfort, just a quick, clean and precise digit...

Herzgesundheit beginnt im Mund

Heart health begins in the mouth

The health of your gums is a crucial factor that goes far beyond the aesthetics of your smile. In fact, there is a profound connection between the health of your gums and your heart. In this...

Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Arten von Zahnersatz

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of dentures

In modern dentistry, there are a variety of solutions to replace lost or damaged teeth. Dentures play a crucial role, not only in improving functionality when chewing and speaking, b...

Entdecke die Zukunft der Zahnpflege: Die emmi-dent PlatinumCAM

Discover the future of dental care: The emmi-dent PlatinumCAM

Have you ever wished that your dental care was not only thorough, but also smarter and gentler? Our new emmi-dent PlatinumCAM makes exactly that possible. With its unique combination of adva...

Zahnaufhellung leicht gemacht: Strahlendes Lächeln in einfachen Schritten

Teeth whitening made easy: A radiant smile in simple steps

Everyone dreams of a radiant smile. It not only increases your self-confidence, but also opens doors in the area of ​​social interactions. With the right care and the right teeth whi...

Folgen von Zahnverlust: Verstehen und effektiv behandeln

Consequences of tooth loss: Understanding and treating effectively

Have you ever thought about how tooth loss can affect your life? effects of tooth loss are huge and go far beyond the obvious. Missing teeth can not only change your smile, but also alter th...

Zahnpflege für Babys und Kleinkinder: Ultimative Tipps für Eltern

Dental care for babies and toddlers: Ultimate tips for parents

How do you ensure that your child has healthy teeth? A question that many parents ask themselves. In fact, regular dental care but even before the first tooth appears. When the first tooth c...

Optimale Zahnpflege in der Schwangerschaft

Optimal Dental Care During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a optimal dental care particularly important. But why? Hormones change your body and of course your gumsIt becomes looser and is much more susceptible to inflammation. If y...

Wie revolutioniert 3D-Druck die Zahnmedizin?

How is 3D printing revolutionizing dentistry?

Here comes a revolutionary Technology that is turning dentistry on its head: 3D printing. Imagine you are in a dentist’s office where dentures precise and quickly. The secret lies in the pro...

Wie beeinflussen Medikamente deine Mundgesundheit?

How do medications affect your oral health?

Medications often play a big role in our lives. But did you know that they also affect your oral health A common side effect is dry mouth, which occurs in over 400 commonly used medications ...

7 Fakten, um Mundtrockenheit mühelos zu bekämpfen

7 Facts to Effortlessly Combat Dry Mouth

Do you often feel dry mouth Then you've come to the right place! Dry mouth, also known as oligostomia or xerostomia, can have various causes. Sometimes the saliva simply stops, and that can ...

Wie revolutioniert Teledentistry die Zahnpflege?

How is teledentistry revolutionizing dental care?

Telemedicine is now also revolutionizing dental care. Since October 1, 2020, dentists have had the opportunity to offer treatments through video consultations, video case conferences and tel...

5 Zahnfreundliche Snack-Optionen

5 Tooth-Friendly Snack Options

Unfortunately, many popular snacks are full of sugar and fats. These can promote tooth decay and plaque. Not exactly what our teeth want! But don't worry, in today's article we'll introduce ...

9 Tipps für effektiven Zahnschutz beim Sport

9 Tips for Effective Mouth Protection During Sports

Are you ready for your next Game? Don't forget that Tooth injuries during sports can be painful and expensive. A essential protection is the right mouth guard. Why? It not only protects your...

Wie du Zahnarztangst mühelos überwindest: 7 einfache Tipps

How to overcome fear of the dentist effortlessly: 7 simple tips

Visits to the dentist can be a real nightmare for many people. fear of the dentist is widespread and can significantly affect dental health. But don’t worry, there are Help and Solutionsthat...

Cool und entspannt durch den Sommer: So überstehst du Hitzewellen

Cool and relaxed through the summer: How to survive heat waves

Summer doesn't just bring sunny days and a holiday feeling, but also more and more extreme heat waves. These can have a major impact on our everyday lives and significantly reduce our well-b...

Gesunder Schlaf: Einfluss gesunder Zähne auf Schlafqualität

Healthy Sleep: Influence of Healthy Teeth on Sleep Quality

Have you ever thought about how your teeth your Sleep It may sound surprising, but a healthy mouth is the key to a restful sleep. Dental problems such as teeth grinding and jaw misalignment ...

7 Tipps: Zahnprobleme durch Zucker vermeiden

7 Tips: Avoid Dental Problems Caused by Sugar

Reduce sugar consumption and strengthen dental health - these are goals that everyone probably has. But how do you do it best? In this article we will give you 7 tips, how you can effectivel...

10 einfache Strategien zur Kariesvermeidung

10 simple strategies to prevent tooth decay

Caries, the silent evil that threatens your teeth. Are you wondering how you can easily avoid caries? We have the answer! With our 10 surprising strategies for caries prevention you will be ...

So beeinflussen Hormone deine Zahngesundheit

How hormones affect your dental health

Have you ever thought about how hormones could affect your dental health? The answer might surprise you. Hormones are not only responsible for mood swings, they also play a crucial role in y...

Schönes Lächeln ohne Karies: 10 bewährte Methoden zur Kariesprävention

Beautiful smile without caries: 10 proven methods for caries prevention

A bright smile is more than just aesthetically pleasing - it is a sign of healthy teeth. But how exactly can you Preventing tooth decay and ensure this health? In this article, we will show ...