With prophylaxis and early detection you can prevent serious diseases in the gums or teeth. The costs for dental prophylaxis and early detection are covered by the statutory health insurance. Depending on age, the Measures for prophylaxis and early detection are regulated differently. Persons with disabilities and those in need of care are particularly protected by the legislature. In these cases, an additional and individually approved benefit claim can be made. Which Differences for children, adolescents and adults in the area of prophylaxis and early detection, we will explain to you in today's blog post.
Early detection in children up to 6 years
Toddlers from the age of 6 months to the age of 6 years are entitled to a total of 6 early detection dental examinations. The Scope of services includes:
- Examination of the oral cavity by the dentist
- assessment of the risk of caries
- Assessment and education of nutritional risks related to sugary drinks or foods
- advice on proper oral hygiene
- Recommendation of a suitable fluoride toothpaste
- Application of fluoride varnish to harden tooth enamel up to the age of 33 months – in cases of high risk of caries, the right to fluoridation can be extended up to the age of 6
All early detection examinations are documented in the "yellow booklet". During the U5, U6 and U7, abnormalities in the teeth or oral mucosa can also be noted in the booklet by the pediatrician and referred to a dentist.
Prophylactic services for adolescents aged 7 to 18 years
As part of the Individual prophylaxis also gives young people the right to early dental detection and possible prophylactic services. The Scope of services includes:
- assessment of oral hygiene
- assessment of caries risk
- Age-appropriate education about the causes of caries and gingivitis
- Valuable tips for a healthy diet
- Practical exercises for the correct implementation of daily oral hygiene
- Local fluoridation to harden tooth enamel
- Sealing of the permanent molars (molars 6 and 7)
Prophylactic services for adults (from 18 years)
The dental prophylaxis services for adults consist of:
- Instructions for effective oral hygiene
- Tips for reducing risk factors
- removal of deposits
- removal of caries
- Removal of irritants that can lead to gingivitis
Prophylactic services for people with disabilities or those in need of care
People with disabilities and those in need of care enjoy additional protective measures. Due to their special living circumstances, they are entitled to additional dental services. These include, for example:
- Oral Health Plan Survey
- assessment of oral health
- Removal of hard dental plaque and deposits every six months
support for early detection and prophylaxis services
To dental prophylaxis you can also do a lot for your dental health. With our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush you can not only clean your gums gently, but also remove deposits and harmful bacteria independently. Since our ultrasonic toothbrushes work without pressure, you not only protect your gums, but also the sensitive enamel of your teeth. Deposits can be easily removed. In addition, you deprive harmful bacteria of the basis for attaching themselves to your teeth. The Regular dental care with our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush supports you very effectively in your daily oral hygiene.