Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Daily denture cleaning can prevent pneumonia

Tägliche Prothesenreinigung kann Lungenentzündung vorbeugen

The regular Cleaning your prosthesis is essential for good oral health. The professional cleaning of your dentures is not only important for a healthy oral flora. The important role of the Prosthesis cleaning also plays a role for your lungs, we explain to you in today's blog post.

Improper denture cleaning can promote disease

Not only in old age can a pneumonia dangerous For this reason, you should not provide any attack surface for harmful bacteria and germs. According to a recent study, Japanese medical sociologists have found that there is a There is a connection between daily denture cleaning and the development of pneumonia. For the study, data from around 70,000 people with prostheses were evaluated.

The data was collected by the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study in 2016 The study leaders collected data from more than 200,000 people. All participants were older than 65 years and were able to take care of themselves. The Average age was around 75 yearsMore than 50 percent of the participants were female. As part of the study, participants were also asked about their social behavior and known previous illnesses.

Pneumonia due to inadequate prosthesis cleaning

As one of the Pneumonia was recorded as a dependent variable. The Denture cleaning, however, was recorded as an independent variable. To the The covariates surveyed included, for example:

  • smoking status
  • Alter
  • gender
  • educational status
  • number of teeth
  • leisure activities
  • and income

The study also documented comorbidities that could be associated with a pneumococcal vaccination within the last 5 years, such as stroke or dementia.

The majority of participants in the survey stated that they had not suffered from pneumonia within the last year. Only 2.3 percent of all respondents stated that they had suffered from pneumonia. Analysis showed that the people who did not clean their dentures daily were particularly likely to suffer from pneumonia. Most patients were older than 75 years. Overall, more than 4.3 percent of respondents in this age group said they did not clean their dentures daily.

In order to exclude any falsification of the study results, the data were subsequently corrected and processed. Here, the imputation procedure The study results were thus confirmed, because all covariates were balancedThe study results were subsequently confirmed once again.

As a result of the study, it can now be stated that a occasional cleaning of dentures can promote pneumonia in old age. There is a significant association between uncleaned dentures and pneumonia.

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