Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Senior Dental Care and Dental Care in Old Age

Seniorenzahnpflege und Zahnpflege im Alter

The Dental care in old age is a little more special than usual. The so-called senior dentistry is not only used for patients in need of care, but even in older, very mobile patientsIn both cases, it has a positive effect. How to ideal teeth care in old age and what tricks you can use to help people in need of care simplify dental care in old age We will explain to you in today's blog post how you can do this.

Senior dental care made easy with the right toothbrush

Experience has shown that seniors For daily dental care, manual toothbrushes are used. This is mostly because they are used to them “from before”. older people find it difficult to get used to new technical devices. Motor skills and strength gradually decline with age, is our emmi®-dent Platinum Care ultrasonic toothbrush the better choice.

She makes brushing your teeth easier especially when seniors need support with their daily oral hygiene. Specially designed for elderly and people in need of care as well as people with disabilities, our Platinum Care toothbrush as an ideal companion for daily dental care in old age.

Also In the care sector, our ultrasonic toothbrush Platinum Care very good services. Old people who suffer from dementia, for example, are difficult to get to open their mouths. If you put some of their favorite food or drink (such as pudding or beer) on their lips, they will open their mouths after a short time. This may sound a little unusual, but it is practiced by many caregivers.

As soon as the mouth has opened slightly, you should put your fingers between the teeth. This usually opens the mouth. You should use a bite block for stabilization. Then you can start with the dental care Especially for Alzheimer's and dementia patients, unusual noises can lead to great uncertainty. Our Platinum Care toothbrush has the advantage that it works completely silently and vibration-freeThis makes dental care much easier.

Senior dental care: cleaning dentures properly

The Dental care in old age is of course limited not only on oral hygiene, but also on the maintenance of existing prostheses and denturesEvery dentist will give you the professional cleaning of prostheses in a laboratory recommend. With our emmi®-dent Platinum Care ultrasonic toothbrush You can also clean your dentures or dental prostheses daily.

Ideally you clean your prosthesis in the evening and only put them back in the morning. This allows your mucous membranes to recover overnight. The only exception to this are telescopic dentures, as the abutment teeth can shift if you do not wear them overnight.

Senior Dental Care for Dry Mouth

Not only in old age Dry mouth is a major problem for healthy teeth Often triggered by medication, dry oral mucosa worsens oral health. Seniors are particularly affected by this, as Dry mouth is a known side effect of around 400 regularly prescribed medications. Saliva-simulating gels and solutions provide short-term relief, but do not protect teeth and gums permanently from the spread of harmful bacteria. Regular dental care and oral hygiene with our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush.

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