Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

What is behind bad breath in children?

Was verbirgt sich hinter Mundgeruch bei Kindern?

Your Child has bad breath and you wonder what is behind it. If we can believe the professional association of pediatricians, then around 15 percent of all children suffer from bad breath. Around one in four adults suffer from bad breath. Why Bad breath is not a disease What is bad breath in children and what you can do about it, we explain to you in today's blog post.

Poor dental hygiene leads to bad breath in children

Bad Breath in Children is not uncommon, because even in infancy they can also suffer from bad breath be affected. Since bad breath no disease but merely a symptom, you should always get to the bottom of the cause.

If you notice that your child has bad breath, we recommend that you first check your child's oral hygiene. If your child brushes their teeth regularly and thoroughly, bad breath should not be an issue.

If the daily dental care However, not taken so seriously food particles deposit between the teethThey encourage the colonization of harmful bacteria, which in turn can lead to tooth decay. Unlike most adults, children's teeth develop faster and even small carious spots unpleasant odors.

Da Toddlers and younger children, due to their motor skills, are often not yet able to clean as thoroughly as would be necessary, you should provide support here and Check your child's brushing habits regularlyOlder children, however, are often cleaning slackersHere too, you should Regularly check and review your child’s dental hygieneWe also recommend that you regularly check-ups at the dentist.

Dental diseases in children that lead to bad breath

Not infrequently, an infection causes bad breath in children. Diseases of the oral mucosa or throat can also be used for bad breath in children. The delicate balance of the “good” microorganisms in the oral cavity can become unbalanced due to infections or inflammations. Increased bacterial growth often leads to unpleasant odors.

Especially the area of Tongue offers a lot of “surface” for harmful germsIf children have a cold and inflamed tonsils or blocked sinuses, they often breathe through their mouths. Mouth breathing reduces saliva production, which in turn leads to significantly less saliva formed and swallowed. Harmful

  • pathogens,
  • bacteria
  • and germs

can multiply unhindered when breathing through the mouth. This can also lead to cause of bad smells from the mouth.

Next to

  • infections,
  • colds
  • or inflammation in the mouth and throat

can also metabolic diseases such as diabetes bad breath in children However, this is very rare. If you are concerned about this, we recommend that you speak to your pediatrician. He will Medically determine the cause of your child's bad breath and – if necessary – take appropriate therapeutic measures.

Brush your teeth regularly and drink plenty of water prevent in most cases bad breath. Bad breath caused by an infection will disappear once the infection has cleared up. For more useful information on mouth rot in children, see this previous article.

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