Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

How is the human dentition structured?

Wie ist das menschliche Gebiss aufgebaut?

We use our teeth every day. Completely naturally, automatically and without thinking about it, we use them to grind our food, enjoy sweets and unconsciously show them when we smile. Along with our arms and legs, our teeth are among the most important tools of independence that our body has to offer. So it's time to take a closer look at the human dentition. In today's blog post, we'll explain how the human dentition is constructed and which teeth have a special function.

Factual knowledge: Teeth in the permanent dentition

We have two sets of natural teeth available to us in life: milk teeth and permanent teeth. Although our teeth are not visible at birth, their roots are already formed in the jaw before birth. It takes around two decades for the last permanent tooth to appear. The permanent teeth of adults usually consist of 32 teeth.

The 32 teeth of the permanent dentition are divided between the upper and lower jaw. Each adult has two incisors, one canine and five molars, one wisdom tooth each, on each half of the jaw and face.

Incisors are located at the front of the jaw. They are relatively flat and are in the direct field of vision. They are characterized by their sharp and thin edges. Functionally, they are perfect for biting off food or cutting up food.

Next to them are the canines. In contrast to the incisor, they are relatively pointed at the bottom. Their shape allows the dog to hold onto food when biting. Canines also help with cutting up food.

After the canines come the molars. They are no longer in the direct field of vision and begin with two smaller molars. These border on the two larger molars. A typical feature of molars is their large and uneven surface, which serves as a chewing surface. It is characterized by depressions and bumps. Their uneven structure enables food to be grasped and ground. Molars are also known as grinding teeth.

The large molars have significantly more root system than all other teeth. This means that they are particularly firmly seated in the jaw. The fifth molar is called the wisdom tooth. Not everyone gets it to break through during their lifetime. In some people, the roots are not formed in the jaw.

Factual knowledge: Milk teeth compared to permanent teeth

The first teeth we get are our milk teeth. Unlike the permanent adult teeth, the milk teeth consist of only 20 teeth. The milk teeth consist of one incisor and four molars on each half of the jaw and face. In contrast to the permanent teeth, the milk teeth only have two milk canines in total.

The enamel on milk teeth is significantly thinner than on permanent teeth. The mineral content in milk teeth is also significantly lower. This is precisely the reason why milk teeth are significantly more susceptible to tooth decay. Thorough brushing at a young age is therefore essential. It also forms the basis of dental hygiene for all permanent teeth.

With our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush for children, you can give your child the perfect introduction to hygienic and professional dental care. Easy to use and thoroughly cleaning, it makes brushing teeth child's play for your child too.

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