Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Zahnphilosophie international

Zahnphilosophie international

From our series Dental Philosophy we have in today’s blog post international idioms Because countries such as Denmark, Turkey, America, France and China also use sayings and wisdom about teeth. You can read below which sayings are among the most well-known international dental wisdom.

dental philosophy from Denmark

“Don’t brush your teeth before you open your mouth.” This constructive advice, which has some truth in it, comes from beautiful Denmark. The saying means that you have to open your mouth before you can brush your teeth. This means that some tasks or errands can only be carried out after a certain amount of preparation.

dental philosophy from Turkey

“If you fail at everything, your tooth will break even while eating pudding.” This Turkish dental expression reflects what is also described in "Murphy's Law". It means something like: Misfortune rarely comes alone. But you must not forget that healthy tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body. So from now on, eat your pudding carefully if it is not your day.

dental philosophy from America

“The second spring comes with the third teeth.” This expression originates from the USA and is also very common here. The American actor Walter Matthau is said to have created this expression. The expression is said to have originated when he played a dentist who falls in love with his receptionist in the 1969 comedy "The Cactus Flower". It basically means that the second great love is attributed to old age.

dental philosophy from France

“That only happens when chickens have teeth.” This French proverb is often used when hell freezes over or, to put it better: when something is very unlikely. So unlikely that it will never happen. What is definitely not unlikely if you have poor oral hygiene is your risk of developing diabetes, a heart attack or a stroke. Inflammatory processes in the mouth can spread throughout the body via the blood. You should also remember that you are constantly swallowing the harmful bacteria from your mouth. In this blog post you will learn more about dental diseases.

dental philosophy from China

“Tonsils are for those who no longer have any teeth.” This saying about teeth comes from China. It can be compared to the German saying "casting pearls before swine". A sow can't do anything with pearls any more than a toothless person can eat almonds. This saying illustrates that good things always happen to those who can't do anything with them.

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