What are the most common causes of tooth loss?
As you know, the causes of tooth loss can vary greatly. The most common reasons include tooth decay, periodontal disease, harmful bacteria and inflammation of the gums. As you get older, the...

Periodontitis as a precursor to Alzheimer's?
Have you ever asked yourself the question: What causes Alzheimer's? Does periodontitis lead to Alzheimer's? New scientific findings confirm this. But let's be honest: Do you regularly care f...

Poor dental hygiene: bad for the immune system?
If you suffer from a weakened immune system, you should have the causes checked as soon as possible. Bad teeth are often responsible for inflammation in the body. If you deliberately neglect...

Why daily dental care is important
Daily oral hygiene is something we are taught from early childhood. And that's a good thing! Why? If you don't brush your teeth regularly, gargle your mouth and throat or use dental floss, y...

In today's blog post we have presented you various Alternatives for Black Teeth without you having to neglect your daily dental care. Painting Black Teeth on Halloween Especia...

Healthy oral flora can have a positive effect on chronic intestinal diseases
A healthy oral flora is not only important for your teeth, but can also be important for all other body functions. If your oral flora is disturbed, harmful bacteria can also lead to chronic ...

What does ultrasound do on the face?
Have you ever asked yourself what ultrasound can do to the face? As you know, ultrasound devices are already an integral part of dermacosmetics. In our emmi®-skin Intense is a cosmetic ultrasound d...

Why do healthy teeth reduce the risk of chronic diseases?
Have you ever asked yourself why healthy teeth reduce the risk of chronic diseases? Well, in general, dental health plays a very important role in your overall health. Few people associate p...

As you already know, diseased teeth and the associated jaw joint can cause a variety of physical and health problems. From headaches to sinus and ear problems to back pain; teeth can be the ...

Facial! Ultrasound for the face
Clear and firm skin on the face is every woman's dream. In addition to facial massages and countless anti-aging products, ultrasound can now also melt away annoying wrinkles. Many of our customers ...

Bad teeth can promote many other diseases
It's no secret that teeth have a major impact on your physical health. If a sick or dead tooth is left untreated, various diseases can arise. In today's blog post, we'll explain to you which...

If you do not take proper care of your teeth and gums, bacteria will build up in your mouth. It has been scientifically proven that gum inflammation can lead to acute illnesses such as vario...

If you value cleanliness in your mouth, then you must try our new emmi®-dent tongue cleaner try it out. We have developed this new attachment especially for our emmi®-dent Ultrasonic toothbr...

Why is the manual toothbrush still so popular?
Have you ever asked yourself why the manual toothbrush is still so popular despite the enormous technological progress? Perhaps it is because people are creatures of habit. Most people appre...

Why caring for baby teeth is so important
As you probably know, milk teeth are the first teeth in the human dentition. They play an important role in the development of our body. For this reason, a lack of attention to daily dental ...

Simple dental hygiene with ultrasonic toothbrush
As you know, the ultrasonic toothbrush is a relatively new, if not the newest, form of electric toothbrush. It is particularly recommended for gingivitis and is often used for sensitive teet...

Reduce stroke risk through healthy teeth
Did you know that healthy teeth significantly reduce the risk of stroke? You've probably heard the saying: "Healthy teeth, healthy people!" This is no longer just an empty phrase. Quite the ...

Fact check: ultrasonic toothbrush vs. electric toothbrush
Are you one of those people who still only use an electric toothbrush for dental care? Unlike the classic manual toothbrush, the electric toothbrush works automatically and is characterized ...

Effectively clean braces and brackets
If you wear braces or brackets, then you know how annoying daily dental care can be. Not only does it take much longer, but it often involves removing food particles from wires. In today's b...

Sunlight promotes dental health
Have you ever heard that sunlight, especially vitamin D, is supposed to promote dental health? In general, sunlight lifts your mood. The sun's UVB radiation also stimulates the body's own vi...

Tooth root infections can lead to depression
Have you ever heard of a postdental depression It is believed that Inflammations in the body as well as untreated tooth root infections can lead to depression. It is assumed that inflammator...

Ultrasonic toothbrush vs. sonic toothbrush
Do you also confuse sonic and ultrasonic toothbrushes? Although both types of toothbrushes are electric toothbrushes, the differences are serious. While sonic toothbrushes only perform 30,00...

Ultrasonic toothbrush vs. sonic toothbrush
Do you also confuse sonic and ultrasonic toothbrushes? Although both types of toothbrushes are electric toothbrushes, the differences are significant. While sonic toothbrushes only have 30,0...

Fact check: These terms are only used by dentists
Have you ever heard of craniomandibular dysfunction? Do the terms xanthodontia or occlusion mean anything to you? No? No problem, because these terms are usually only used by your dentist. W...